For Faculty

Well-being is an essential part of student success. How a student feels mentally, emotionally, and physically will influence how well they will perform on their academic studies. Investing in your own wellbeing will be the first step in creating a culture that fosters health as the number one priority.
Existing Data and Resources:
Top 10 actions faculty can take to enhance student well-being:
- Review current data on ASU student wellness
- Promote positive ASU student norms:
- 47% of ASU students don’t drink alcohol, according to annual surveys of our students. Why is this important?
- - This information corrects misperceptions about student drinking.
- - These data reinforce positive norms, and affirm that there is a significant proportion of students who socializing without alcohol.
- - Students in recovery from alcohol and other drugs, and those who choose not to drink, will be happy to learn that their decisions are aligned with other students and they are not alone.
- 47% of ASU students don’t drink alcohol, according to annual surveys of our students. Why is this important?
- Start by believing.
- Stressful personal situations are not uncommon. During the past 12 months, ASU students experienced the following:
- - 16.4% experienced the death of a family member or friend,
- - 19.2% experienced homesickness.
- - 23.8% experienced roommate difficulties.
- - 27.4% experienced relationship difficulties.
- - 31.5% had family responsibilities such as taking care of family members, - chores, or support family finances.
- - 40.2% had been sick with a cold, the flu, or a sore throat.
- - 40.3% experienced family problems such as financial, legal, health or relationship problems.
- - 47.1% dealt with commiting and transportation issues.
- - 52.7% experienced sleep difficulties.
- Most students find positive and effective ways to manage stress. However, there may be times when it seems too much to handle. They may benefit from your support.
- - When students share about their situation with you, or ask for modifications, a little understanding will go a long way to helping them to get through their personal crisis.
- - Ask and learn what kind of support the student would like from you.
- - Ask what the student plans to do to cope with the situation.
- - Refer the student to the Dean of Students, ASU Health Services or ASU Counseling for assistance with their situation.
- Stressful personal situations are not uncommon. During the past 12 months, ASU students experienced the following:
- Encourage sleep through words and actions.
- - When discussing assignments, projects, and exams, remind students that a good night’s sleep supports their success.
- - When setting due dates for assignments, projects and exams, set the deadline for completion in the afternoon or evening. If you set the deadline for late night, many students will stay awake into the wee hours of the night, making it hard to unwind for a good night’s sleep.
- Take breaks during long lectures and exams.
- Let students know it is okay to stretch, or to get up and walk around. This will get their blood flowing and enhance brain function for the remainder of the class.
- Show health and wellness videos between classes.
- Use the time between classes to air short videos about health and wellness, and student success information.
- Assign students to participate in online courses outlined on this website.
- Make assignments addressing health and wellness topics relevant to your class.
- Consider having students research a relevant wellness topic for a paper, presentation or group project.
- Link ASU health and wellness activities to the syllabus.
- Health and wellness activities are scheduled throughout the academic year, many that are relevant to various core study areas. Tap into these opportunities by incorporating them into your syllabi, or as extra credit opportunities.
- A list of upcoming health and wellness activities is on the bottom of the home page of the Live Well ASU website.
- Event sponsors can collect student signatures and ID to ensure students attend.
- Or you can have them bring back a signed program for proof of participation.
- Be a healthy Sun Devil Role Model.
- Join the Sun Devil Fitness Complex and exercise there.
- Step Up & speak up its a choice. To stop negative comments or poor choices—students can learn how to stop negative behaviors in others by watching your example!
- Take care how you talk about risky choices you have made. If you choose to share such experiences, discuss what you learned or changed as a result.
Source: American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment: Arizona State University Spring 2019. Baltimore: American College Health Association; Spring 2019 (n=2,096).