Support Student Wellness

Health and wellness influence students’ academic and personal outcomes. What students learn to maintain a healthy lifestyle now can build a foundation for their future success. In your role at ASU, you are uniquely positioned to support student success.
ASU students reported the following had a negative impact on their academic performance:
- 35.0% academic responsibilities
- 30.5% stress
- 30.0% being overcommitted
- 23.3% anxiety
- 21.6% sleep difficulties
- 21.2% work
- 15.0% depression
- 14.7% family problems
- 12.4% concern for a family member or friend
- 12.3% having a cold, flu, or sore throat
The combined impact of these academic performance barriers resulted in:
- 29.0% of students receiving a lower grade or an incomplete, or dropping a class
While certain experiences are less common, ASU students who experienced the following reported these experiences resulted in them getting a lower grade in a class, taking an incomplete, or dropping a course.
- 29.2% of students due to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- 25.7% of students due to depression
- 25.4% of students due to a learning disability
- 23.3% of students due to experiencing sexual assault
- 22.2% of students due to experiencing physical assault (not sexual assault)
- 22.2% of students due to pregnancy (theirs or their partner’s)
- 19.7% of students due to anxiety
- 19.1% of students due to a chronic health problem
- 17.9% of students due to the death of a friend or family member
- 16.9% of students, due to work
This data provides compelling evidence that student experiences in the realm of health and wellness have significant impact on academic performance indicators. These students may benefit from academic support services, disability resources, counseling, health and other programs designed to help students succeed. As student leaders, faculty, administrators and staff, parents and family members, you can provide information and make referrals to resources that can support their success.
Explore strategies to support ASU student wellness:
For Parents and Families
For Student Leaders
For Faculty
For Administrators and Staff