“Devils in Depth” is a project that gets down to earth and captures the diversity of Arizona State’s student population. We engage in conversations with students in an effort to learn more about their passions and get a feel for who they really are.

Julio Lugo is a Copy Writer at the SDFC and one of the minds behind Devils in Depth. In Part Two of the two-part series, co-author Jeremy Beren sat down with Julio and asked him his thoughts on the themes covered this semester.

“Devils in Depth” is a project that gets down to earth and captures the diversity of Arizona State’s student population. We engage in conversations with students in an effort to learn more about their passions and get a feel for who they really are.

Jeremy Beren is a Copy Writer at the SDFC and one of the minds behind Devils in Depth. In Part One of the two-part series, co-author Julio Lugo sat down with Jeremy and asked him his thoughts on the themes covered this semester.

Do you find it hard to fall asleep at night? Do you find yourself reaching for an Ambien or ZzzQuil more often than you’d like?

First, know that you’re not alone, as 60 million Americans — lots of them students like us — admit to having experienced insomnia. But second, know that there are other ways to fall asleep faster without turning to medication.

Here are just five of the many possibilities:

What are some reasons you think healthy eating is important? Most of us know that consuming a healthy diet including adequate fruits and vegetables is important for staying healthy, from keeping our immune systems healthy to reducing risk for chronic diseases later on.  More research is demonstrating that what we eat also plays an important role in our mental and emotional health, and that can affect you right now, not just decades in the future. 

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