Most of the classes at ASU this fall are on Zoom.  Many students are new to learning via Zoom, while others might want to improve their remote learning experience.  Here is a list of suggestions that will allow you and your peers to get more out of learning on this platform.  Following these tips will make remote learning feel more natural. 


Being in college can be overwhelming. Finding a balance between studying, campus activities and a social life can be hard, but it is the key to achieving success. So, how do you manage your time and how do you maintain the motivation for everything you plan to achieve? Here are a few tips for you.

Set goals and priorities

Most perceive meditation as a complicated art form—but it can actually be quite simple.

There isn’t one right way to go about it—the goal is to quiet your mind in order to be present in the moment and within yourself. You can achieve this in a number of ways.

“[Meditation] can involve focusing on the breath, on bodily sensations, or on a word or phrase, known as a mantra,” according to Psychology Today.

Excessive stress can make everyday activities difficult or even painful. We all know what it’s like to weigh your options as another academic year nears its end — you may really want to catch up on sleep after that last all-nighter rather than get up and go to class.

Stress can stem from many different factors, but that doesn’t mean you have to let it ruin your daily life — especially at important times. Stress management gives you an opportunity to take charge of your own thoughts, habits and schedules.


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There is often a sense of peace that accompanies the arrival at a mountain’s peak. Heart pumping and breathing heavy, you gaze at the view below with a feeling of accomplishment.

It turns out that there is actual scientific data to back these emotions.

You have probably heard about how important it is to take care of your body and eat right, but do you really take much time to treat yourself?

At some point, we all need time to relax, reflect and recharge. I’m talking about intentional isolation.

What’s going on, Sun Devils? Your boy Julio is back with some more Gym Bangers. Lately I’ve been going out for runs, and I wanted to share some songs I’ve been bumping. Check out these hot tracks, and if you like them maybe you can add them to your own playlist. Enjoy!


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