Devils 4 Devils - Students helping students
ASU is a fantastic and caring community, one that never ceases to impress me. Students consistently are working to ensure that not only will they succeed, but their peers will as well. This is evident in so many different ways, from supporting each other academically, to ensuring that every student voice is represented, to leading efforts to make the daily lives of students better, to creating fun and safe social experiences. ASU students truly are there for each other.
Emotional wellbeing and support is critical to success as well, yet many students have told me they are unsure how to help their friends who may be struggling. While for many people the Counseling Services are a good option, for others peer-to-peer support is more of what they need. So a few students, in partnership with Counseling Services, decided to take action...
Devils 4 Devils is ASU’s new student-led solution to fostering an emotionally healthy campus where students support students through good times and bad. Training is provided to any student who is interested in building the skills to create an emotionally healthy community at ASU. Devils4Devils offers four levels of training:
1. A short animated video about the importance of helping others who may be struggling emotionally.
2. General helping skills for recognizing signs and symptoms and helping yourself and others.
3. Leadership for building emotionally health communities.
4. Care Squad training - an intensive training on developing outreach, programming, and large and small peer-to-peer interventions.
You can participate in any one training or all four if you would like. Each training is unique, so you can choose just the ones you're interested in.
If you want to be part of Devils4Devils, you can sign-up for any training at this link.
- Aaron Krasnow, Ph.D.
Director, ASU Health and Counseling Services