From relocating states at the onset of a global pandemic to dedicating months of work to physical growth, ASU student Adam Schoenfeld has persevered through many challenges this year. Adam’s latest feat was the 75-Day Hard Challenge, which consisted of two 45-minute workouts a day, one during the day and one at night. He was also required to drink a gallon of water a day and abstain from drinking alcohol for the entire duration of the challenge.

From relocating states at the onset of a global pandemic to dedicating months of work to physical growth, ASU student Adam Schoenfeld has persevered through many challenges this year. Adam’s latest feat was the 75-Day Hard Challenge, which consisted of two 45-minute workouts a day, one during the day and one at night. He was also required to drink a gallon of water a day and abstain from drinking alcohol for the entire duration of the challenge.

The stay-at-home orders have made staying well a new challenge for most. Between the tempting loaves of sourdough bread you might have been baking and the rising temperature spoiling your afternoon run around the block, you may feel it’s impossible to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Fortunately, you have access to strategies to help you adapt to this current state of living!

After a busy first half of the semester, it may be tempting to spend your Spring Break on the couch (and that’s OK!). But if you’re in town for break and looking for ways to stay active, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite Arizona spring break destinations AND the outdoor activities that come with, all just a short road trip away.

  1. Lake Havasu

Do you find yourself wasting money for the sake of love?  You could opt to skip Valentine’s Day to pay for next semester’s tuition. However, you can still celebrate your love without breaking the bank. Saving money on Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean you’re frugal, it means you’re resourceful and responsible.  By following these tips, you and your partner can have a great time without forcing you to live on Ramen for the rest of the semester.


Vinyasa is a popular style of yoga that focuses on dynamic, flowing sequences of poses. This Vinyasa class, taught by Hannah Rose, is great for beginners and experienced yogis, as you can tailor the moves to your preferred level of difficulty. 

The workshop has a heavy emphasis on balancing poses, core strengthening, and inversions. Mindfulness is also explored during the session, and you get the chance to be meditative as you execute your poses.

There are several different methods that trainers and weight lifters alike turn to for maximum strength and muscle gain. One of these methods is called the mind-muscle connection: a way in which the athlete consciously and deliberately creates a muscle contraction. Basically, we have to actively think about using the muscle we are working which seems like common sense, right?

The dreaded “Freshman 15,” an extra 15 pounds students are said to gain their freshman year of college, is something that has haunted incoming students for decades. However, college newbies may rest easier knowing that they aren’t at a high risk of such a hefty weight gain, and the “Freshman 15” is largely a myth.

The summer months are coming to an end, but the Phoenix heat is here to stay. We know it’s hard to even walk to your car, let alone work out in 104 degree weather, so we’ve come up with this list to help you out! Keep cool and stay active these next few weeks with some fun fitness ideas.


Being in college can be overwhelming. Finding a balance between studying, campus activities and a social life can be hard, but it is the key to achieving success. So, how do you manage your time and how do you maintain the motivation for everything you plan to achieve? Here are a few tips for you.

Set goals and priorities

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