Say Goodbye to Unnecessary Stress
Life is stressful—especially during a pandemic. It’s important to keep in mind that you are not alone. Following these tips will help you lower your stress level so that you can live well!
Exercise More
Not only has exercise been proven to decrease stress, but it is also great for you! Most people don’t like to put in the hard work—especially when they are stressed and not in the mood. However, exercise can be fun! Come on down to the SDFC for one of our many great fitness and wellness events. If you need motivation, just think of how amazing you will feel leaving the stress behind you!
Eat Healthy
Eating a well-balanced meal can do wonders for your health! Sure, a granola bar is a great snack—but it is not a meal. Often, we are always in a rush and don’t take the time to make wise choices about what we eat. Sometimes it is okay to stop at a fast-food restaurant for dinner, but when it turns into a regular habit, that is when it’s time to consider more nutritious options than Burger King or Chick-fil-A. Not only will you feel much better mentally and emotionally, but your body will also thank you.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is crucial for us to function. Even though you have a ton of homework and exams to study for, sleep is critical for your body to heal and get back to 100 percent. If your phone won’t last days without charging, why would your body be any different?
Take a Break
It is important to take a break from work sometimes. After a hard day of work, you should reward yourself with something fun. It could be as simple as reading a book or watching a movie. If it allows a temporary escape from the stressors of everyday life, it is an acceptable reward.
Embrace the Uncontrollable
Some things we can change, but oftentimes, we stress out over things that are outside of our control. If you have no control over a situation, then no good can come from your continued worrying. Worrying in these situations only adds to your stress, so you should try your best and embrace whatever outcome once the problem is out of your hands.