Violence Prevention
What is the Violence Prevention program?
The Violence Prevention program is an online education program designed to enhance awareness of sexual violence, intimate partner violence and stalking and their impact on college students. The content addresses the importance of consent and respect in sexual situations, prevention and risk reduction strategies, and critical information on what to do if you or someone you know has experienced sexual or intimate partner violence and/or stalking.
For more information about sexual and relationship violence prevention, visit sexualviolenceprevention.asu.edu.
How do I take the Violence Prevention program?
First Year Students
First year students are required to complete the training and will be pre-enrolled in the program as part of the New Student Experience. You can access New Student Experience through MyASU, and will find the Course in “Step 4: ASU Ready.” If you have not been pre-enrolled, you can self-enroll through Canvas. If you are having any issues accessing the course, email srvp@asu.edu.
Graduate Students
If you have been asked to complete the program as a Teaching Assistant or Graduate Assistant, you can self-enroll through Canvas.
Are you a graduate student who is interested in taking the course? You can self-enroll through Canvas. Visit the Sexual and Relationship Violence Program for additional information about getting involved or email srvp@asu.edu to set up a meeting to talk with one of our team members.
Student Employees
If you are being asked to take the course as a student employee, your supervisor should have provided you with a link to enroll in the course. Check with your supervisor for the link to access the course.
Supervisors, Faculty and Staff
If you are a supervisor or faculty member who would like to assign Violence Prevention as part of an employment training or academic course, you can have students self-enroll in the course through Canvas. If you have a significant number of students and would like your students to be in their own Canvas course so that you can be added as an instructor and have access to the gradebook to monitor completion, email srvp@asu.edu to set up the course. Please allow 1-2 business days for a response to email as well as an additional 2-3 business days for the course to be set up.
Are you an undergraduate student who is just interested in taking the course? You can self-enroll through Canvas. Visit the Sexual and Relationship Violence Program for additional information about getting involved or email srvp@asu.edu to set up a meeting to talk with one of our team members.
This course takes 45 - 60 minutes to complete.
Questions about the Violence Prevention program?
If you need support or assistance while completing this program, please use the resources available to you on sexualviolenceprevention.asu.edu. Crisis support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by contacting EMPACT's Hotline: 480-921-1006.
If you have already taken the Violence Prevention program, you do not need to take it again. Let your instructor know you have completed the program by downloading your certificate or submitting a screenshot of your grade. If you are having trouble accessing your certificate or providing a screenshot of your grade; your enrollment can be verified by contacting srvp@asu.edu.
ASU is committed to continuing to address this complex issue so while you will not be required to take this particular module again, you can anticipate that there will be other educational offerings in the future.
If you are experiencing difficulty with the module that cannot be solved by contacting the technical support in the program, please contact srvp@asu.edu.
Assistance is available online. If you have questions about ASU’s use of the program, contact srvp@asu.edu.
If you are a faculty or staff member who wishes to take the Violence Prevention program, please email your name and ASURITE to srvp@asu.edu and request to be enrolled in the program. Please note that faculty and staff are required to take the Title IX and Your Duty to Report and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace online courses available through the ASU Title IX Office. The Violence Prevention program does not meet these requirements.
Consent and Respect was the product previously used by ASU to educate the community on sexual and relationship violence prevention. As of spring 2020, this program is being phased out and the ASU community is expected to transition to the Violence Prevention program. If you have questions about this transition, contact srvp@asu.edu
If you are unsure whether or not you need to complete the Violence Prevention program because you already completed Consent and Respect, contact the person who assigned you the program to determine if you need to complete it again.
As of January 2020, full time, in-person first year students will automatically be enrolled in the course and can follow the instructions provided above to take the course. Anyone else who wishes to enroll a group can email srvp@asu.edu to enroll their students. Please note it could take up to 72 hours to get students enrolled depending upon the time of year so please plan ahead and submit your requests as early as possible.
In the email, please include the full name, ASU email, and ASUrite ID of the students you wish to enroll attached in an excel file. Note: ASUrite is what you use to log into myASU, not a Student ID.