Sun Devils Care, Share Clean Air
Your Opinion Matters! Follow the link below to take a brief six question survey regarding regulations around Phoenix parks and reserves becoming tobacco-free environments.
In August of 2013, ASU adopted a Tobacco-free policy due to the growing concern of public health hazards associated with second hand smoke. Since the policy implementation, ASU has developed Tobacco Cessation programs, support groups, and education to educate the community on how to keep the campus safe and smoke free for everyone. We understand that people choose to manage their stress in many different ways, however, here are three healthier alternatives to manage your stress besides utilizing tobacco products.
- Meditate- Livewell@ASU offers several group wellness classes as well as spaces and programs that promote mindfulness. Next time you feel like taking a smoke break, find a quiet place focus your energy on calming your nerves and breathing deeply in and out.
- Exercise-Exercising is a great way to manage your stress and there are various activities you can participate in without going to the gym. For example, you could swim, go for a walk/hike, bike around the city, or even participating in some sport activities. Whatever your comfort level is, go get active.
- Phone a friend-Eliminating Tobacco from your daily routine can be a tough task. It can be even more of a challenge going at it alone. Find a friend that you trust who can help you through the tough times when your cravings are strong. Call or hangout with that person to keep you on track.
Whether you are just getting started on your or you are supporting a friend, it is never too late to make the change. Find other resources below or contact for questions.