Six on-the-go snacking options


Stop me if you’ve been here before:

It’s 1:20 p.m. You just got out of your 11:30 class. You’ve got a couple hours before your next class, and your stomach begins to growl because that slice of bread you had breakfast maybe wasn’t good enough. So what do you do? Do you hop in your car and make your way to the nearest Whataburger? Jump on light rail and take it to a Chipotle? (Confession: this is sometimes a solution to my hunger.) Or did you plan ahead and pack yourself a healthy snack for this exact situation?

It’s easier than you think to fix yourself a quick snack at home and take it with you for a bite between classes. Here are just a few of the more notable — and healthy — options to keep in mind the next time you get out of class and all you can taste is your own saliva.

Greek yogurt

Let’s start with a classic. Greek yogurt is chock-full of calcium and protein — there are 20 grams of protein in one serving of Chobani, for example — and can be a pretty satisfying snack when mixed with berries or granola if that’s your thing. Just don’t use so much granola you spoil your dinner, and make sure you don’t have it out so long that it spoils.

Trail mix

Another classic here. This versatile combo of dried fruits and nuts has never gone out of style — probably because you can add just about whatever you want to it (grains, chocolate, et cetera). Something to keep in mind: the fruit and nut content can make trail mix annoyingly high in calories, so just a handful or so should be all you need for a quick snack to tide you over.

Single-serve cottage cheese

You can find this one pretty easily at the grocery store. It’s high in protein, and seeing as it’s a dairy product, you’ll get some calcium to help build up bone strength. Pair it with some fiber and you’ll have an even more satisfying snack! It does need to be refrigerated, so be careful, and if you can deal with the relatively high sodium content (around a third of your daily intake) you’ll have yourself an ideal on-the-go snack.

Peanut butter squeeze pack

Peanut butter’s secret is in its simplicity —some brands may add salt and sugar, but it’s mostly just peanuts and protein. But the best part is that you can now find small squeeze packs and carry them in your bag! You can pair a squeeze pack with an apple, a banana or whole grain crackers for an even better snack on-the-go. Because let’s face it, you don’t want to be known as the person who carried around a jar of Jif throughout your sophomore year.


Edamame (ed-uh-ma-may) is an immature soybean still encased in its pod, unlike traditional soybeans. Edamame is loaded with protein and is also rich in fibers and vitamins. It’s great for snacking, as it can be added to soups and noodle dishes and even eaten on its own. The soybeans can be warmed up at any time, so have no fear if you have to stow them in a Ziploc bag or a small container. They do need refrigeration if they’re kept out, so if you’re really in a rush, roasted soybeans are a safe option.

Chili tortilla chips

I haven’t tried these, but they sound so dope. The key is that the chips are baked rather than fried, which removes just about all the fat content that befalls other chips. Also, a dash of chili powder and a dash of cayenne pepper gives them a nice spicy kick. The best part: they have just 80 calories per serving and take about 20 minutes to cook!

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