Devils in Depth: Who is your hero?


“Devils in Depth” is a project that gets down to earth and captures the diversity of Arizona State’s student population. We engage in conversations with students in an effort to learn more about their passions and get a feel for who they really are. Then we ask them their thoughts on a central theme. This week’s theme is centered on who your hero is.

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“My parents, they’re hard workers. My dad is an immigrant, so coming from there it’s kind of cool seeing how far we have come in such a short time.”

“I really look up to Halsey. I have a chronic condition called endometriosis and she also has it. It’s chronic pain and its sometimes really rough so when I see her and she has the same thing I do, and she’s still able to perform on stage and do all that, then there’s no limit for me.”

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“My parents for sure are probably my biggest sources of inspiration. A lot of the decisions I make and the reasons I work hard, it’s just to make them proud, they gave so much to me that I can never repay them. So the most I can do is just trying to make them proud and think they have raised a good person and a good son.”

“I think of myself as a conservative person so if i have to spend a lot of time and risk a lot for one choice over another then I am probably going to go with the conservative thing and I think that is just what my parents have taught me too. Be practical, be responsible and don’t put all your eggs in one basket they definitely influenced me in that way.”

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Ajay and Nikitha

N: [My sister] was like, ‘I am pre-med, I will be a doctor, like my dad, he’s a physician’ and then one day she said ‘I don’t want to do this, I want to be in medicine because I want to give back and help people, but this is not the route for me. I need to do something that makes me happy.’ So she decided to change and do another master’s program. Now, she’s very happy with her decision and where she’s at, and I think her doing that is what allowed me to go to my parents and tell them I want to be a business major.

A: My mom obviously, but recently I started appreciating my younger sister…It’s very easy to say the older sibling is going to do better or for her to follow my path. She deviated from what everyone expected. She keeps working hard for what she wants to do and set her own path and work on her own name instead of following mine. It’s hard to do that as a younger sibling so, it’s something that she crushed and she’s continuing to do and it really drives me.

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“Naruto inspires me a lot because he goes through rigorous training day and night to get what he wants.”

“I like the hard-working attitude he has and the importance that he gives to the people around him and care about them and he doesn’t fear anybody. He goes up to a fight even though he knows he’s going to get pounded.”