5 Differences Between College and High School


Before starting your fall semester at Arizona State University, you should know some key differences from high school life.  Keep reading so your first semester at ASU is a success.


In college, you will have much more freedom than you had in high school.  Although that sense of freedom might seem refreshing, it’s easy to fall behind by underestimating the amount of studying your classes require.


As a college student, you should expect a significant increase in homework and studying than in high school.  The work might seem overwhelming at first, but you can make it less intimidating by breaking your assignments down into more manageable sub-tasks.

Class Schedule

College classes are also very different from high school classes.  One main difference is that you’ll probably have fewer classes on any given day.  Your classes will likely meet one, two, or three days each week.  Meeting twice each week is ideal since classes that meet once tend to meet for longer periods and result in mental burnout.

Need to Be Self-Motivated

In college classes, the professor explains the material, but it is your responsibility to do the reading and assignments independently since there are so many students.  It can be easy to shrug it off in favor of something fun, but you need to stay motivated and find the right balance of work and play.

Long-Term Goals

Instead of treating your classes as an unwanted duty or obligation, consider the potential the classes offer for professional skill development.  If you don’t put effort into your classes, you might earn a degree, but it won’t be beneficial if you don’t master the skills for the job.