In order to make the most out of your sleep schedule, it’s important to create an environment that’s actually conducive to sleep. Although you can tailor this to your needs and preferences, here are some general tips to follow before you drift into dreamland.
There is often a sense of peace that accompanies the arrival at a mountain’s peak. Heart pumping and breathing heavy, you gaze at the view below with a feeling of accomplishment.
It turns out that there is actual scientific data to back these emotions.
If you’ve been juggling a lot this semester, junior Ci’mone Rogers is right there with you! With three separate internships and a full-time major in Business (Information Security), Ci’mone has had to introduce some new strategies in her life to make sure she’s staying balanced.
In this installment, we compile a list of the movie musicals available on Netflix. You don’t have to have starred in your high school play to enjoy these iconic numbers.
If you feel that you are in a conflict you can’t get out of, here are some strategies you can utilize to manage the situation.
This Valentine’s Day, it’s the perfect time for you and your significant other to get in some alone time together. Since we are still practicing social distancing, here are some great date ideas to put together at home!
We love shipping television couples together. Often, these couples have genuine, loving relationships so strong that we can’t help but ship them together. However, other times we become invested in toxic relationships. In honor of Valentine’s Day, let’s look at some popular television pairings on both ends of the spectrum.
Healthy Relationships
T.K. Strand/Carlos Reyes—9-1-1: Lone Star
It’s a Sunday night, and you’re getting ready to rest up for Monday. But as soon as you close your eyes, you remember! Your Session A course has approximately one million things due by midnight, and you haven’t even started the reading.
From relocating states at the onset of a global pandemic to dedicating months of work to physical growth, ASU student Adam Schoenfeld has persevered through many challenges this year. Adam’s latest feat was the 75-Day Hard Challenge, which consisted of two 45-minute workouts a day, one during the day and one at night. He was also required to drink a gallon of water a day and abstain from drinking alcohol for the entire duration of the challenge.
With a mix of throwbacks, radio hits, and rockin’ classics, these songs will get you hyped up and ready to crush your workout goals.