The Sun devil Fitness Complex is full of talented student workers and I had the pleasure of conducting an interview with one of them. Jack Hiemenz is a senior going into his final semester. He works as a facilities manager at the SDFC and has a passion for golf and hockey. The golf club he is a part of just won a national tournament in Las Vegas. Like a lot of students at ASU, Jack left for his home state for the break and he was nice enough to give me some time of his day for a phone call. Here is what he had to say. 


Do you find yourself wasting money for the sake of love?  You could opt to skip Valentine’s Day to pay for next semester’s tuition. However, you can still celebrate your love without breaking the bank. Saving money on Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean you’re frugal, it means you’re resourceful and responsible.  By following these tips, you and your partner can have a great time without forcing you to live on Ramen for the rest of the semester.



The holiday season is here, and that means the hot chocolate will be flowing and the desserts will be plentiful. You shouldn’t deprive yourself of your favorite treats, but it’s important to remember that holiday goodies shouldn’t take over your normal diet. Here are a few tips to help you out!

1. Don’t go grocery shopping or to the party on an empty stomach

We’re pushing through the Spring semester, and with that comes exams, papers, and other assignments. For some of us, this can be a stressful time with feelings of anxiety and burnout, so now is a good opportunity to check in with your mental health and evaluate how you’re doing. If you find that you are struggling, there are resources available to Sun Devils to help us out and get us back on the path to success. Below are five questions to ask yourself to assess how your mental health is doing and some tips to help bring balance.

The summer months are coming to an end, but the Phoenix heat is here to stay. We know it’s hard to even walk to your car, let alone work out in 104 degree weather, so we’ve come up with this list to help you out! Keep cool and stay active these next few weeks with some fun fitness ideas.


SDFC pool

Trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but you just can’t stop eating Taco Bell? Well, here’s a vegetarian friendly taco recipe that will keep you full and satisfied, maybe even send you into a food-coma. This recipe makes two tacos, but they’re definitely thick, so you can alter the measurements to your liking!


Nachos don’t always sound like the healthiest option, but if done correctly, they can be nutritious and easy to make! This microwave nacho recipe can be prepared in a dorm room and will be ready to enjoy in as little as five minutes!


The Spring semester is almost finished! Before we celebrate the arrival of Summer break, it is important for us Sun Devils to not check out mentally but to finish the school year strong. A big part of that is preparing for finals week. Putting finals on your radar earlier rather than later as well as studying can help you pass your classes with flying colors! Below are some tips to get the best grades possible for your finals:

Being in college can be overwhelming. Finding a balance between studying, campus activities and a social life can be hard, but it is the key to achieving success. So, how do you manage your time and how do you maintain the motivation for everything you plan to achieve? Here are a few tips for you.

Set goals and priorities

Set goals

Marvel Studios announced release dates for its next 10 movies, with dates ranging from later this year all the way to 2023. Many fan-favorites appear among the list, including Black Panther, Spider-Man, and more!

Several of the film, Including “Black Widow” and “Eternals” were set to come out much earlier, but their release dates were delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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