
Healthy Eating



  • 27.4% of ASU students eat a variety of nutritious foods from each food group daily (whole grains, calcium-rich, protein-rich foods, and fruit and vegetables). 
  • 27.5% of ASU students usually consume 3 or more servings of fruit and vegetables daily.
  • 4.5% of ASU students usually consume 5 or more servings of fruit and vegetables daily.
  • 53.1% ASU students are in a healthy weight range based on calculations of their Body Mass Index (BMI).

Sources: American College Health Association. American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment: Arizona State University Metro Phoenix Campuses Spring 2018. Baltimore: American College Health Association; Spring 2018 (n=1,304).


Benefits of a Healthy Eating Style
  • Increase your energy level
  • Enhance your immune system
  • Improve your stress response
  • Fuel physical activity
  • Enhance concentration
  • Improve memory
  • Prevent digestive problems
  • Manage weight
  • Reduce risk for heart disease, cancer and other health problems
Components of Healthy Eating
  • Listen to your body
    • Know your body's physiological hunger signals (lightheaded, headache, stomach growling), as opposed to psychological signals (social gatherings, emotional triggers, smelling food)
    • Eat until you are content, not stuffed. Know when you have had enough. Remember that it takes about 20 minutes for your body to realize it is full.
  • Fits into your lifestyle
    • Healthy eating is a lifestyle; make it a part of your everyday behavior.
  • Balance, variety, and moderation
    • Include all the food groups to achieve balanced meals
    • Choose and consume a variety of foods within each food group
    • Know and eat appropriate portions of foods; nothing to extremes
    • Don't deprive yourself of certain foods - just keep in mind portions!
Tips to develop healthy eating habits
  • Schedule and plan regular meals and snacks.
  • Eat until you feel content - take your time when you eat, and savor each bite.
  • Incorporate into your daily eating: water, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, protein-rich foods, and beans/nuts/seeds.
  • Take a daily multivitamin.
  • Try some healthy snacks and recipes
  • Notice the size and number of servings and the nutrient content of your food so that you know if you've achieved your nutrient goals.
  • Read food labels and look at serving size, servings per container, nutrients and ingredients.
  • Take note of your sensations of hunger and appetite and whether they vary in response to emotions, schedule, proximity to food, and external influences.
  • Think of food as one part of life, not as the center of it. Don't over plan or overanalyze your meals; Bon Appetite!


Concerned about a friend’s eating habits? What can you do?

  • Set an example of health by choosing nutritious foods and beverages.
  • Identify your concerns in a private conversation
  • Ask about their choices in a curious, non-judgmental way.
  • Use conversation-starting questions such as “what were your favorite foods growing up?” “how has your eating style changed since starting college?” etc.
  • Recommend talking with a registered dietitian, or other health professional
  • Let your friend know that you care about them