
Did you know?
47.2% of ASU students do not drink alcohol (did not drink in the past 30 days).
79.1% of ASU students either did not drink alcohol, or consumed between 1 and 4 alcohol-containing drinks the last time they partied or socialized.
Among ASU students who drink alcoholic beverages:
73.1% always use a designated driver when they drink.
65.1% always stay with the same group of friends the entire time when they drink.
80.8% usually eat before and/or while drinking.
69.7% usually keep track of the number of drinks they are having.
Source: American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment: Arizona State University Spring 2019. Baltimore: American College Health Association; Spring 2019 (n=2,096).
Choosing Not to Drink
46% of ASU Metro Campus students surveyed had not consumed alcohol in the previous 30 days. There are many reasons ASU students choose not to drink for today, for the time-being, for a lifetime:
- To perform better in school.
- To achieve optimal athletic performance.
- To prepare for a career that could be derailed by an alcohol arrest.
- To save money.
- To improve their sleep quality.
- To take their turn as a designated sober driver.
- For safety while enjoying activities like mountain climbing, swimming, and skiing.
- As a part of their faith practice.
- They are under age 21 and know it is illegal to drink.
- To avoid trouble with the law and campus authorities.
- They are struggling with dependence on alcohol or drugs.
- They are choosing a life of recovery.
- They have an illness or are taking medications that do not mix well with alcohol.
What is Responsible Use of Alcohol?
Most ASU students who choose to drink alcohol do so responsibly. Responsible drinkers take one or more of the following actions each time they drink:
- Eat food before and while drinking.
- Alternate alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic drinks, particularly water.
- Avoid drinking games.
- Limit drinks to one per hour.
- Drink no more than four times per week.
- Set and stick to personal drinking limits.
- Refuse to serve anyone who is under the age of 21.
- Accept when someone refuses their offer of a drink. Respect their choices.
- Make sure they have a safe way to get home: a sober driver or a sober friend to walk with, a cab or hired car.
- Avoid drinking alcohol if they are stressed, ill, or tired.
- Do NOT drink alcohol when taking medications (over-the-counter or prescriptions), pregnant (or considering it), nursing, related to someone with alcoholism, or recovering from a substance use disorder.
- Do NOT mix alcohol with illegal drugs or prescription drugs such as marijuana, heroin, opiates, sedatives, pain killers, depressants.
What is a Drink?
It is important to know what is considered a drink, as this helps us to avoid heavy use of alcohol and recognize heavy use in others.
- Beer – 5% alcohol content – 12 fl oz
- Wine – 12 % alcohol content – 5 fl oz
- Liquor – 40% alcohol content – 1.5 fl oz
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Rethinking Drinking: Alcohol and your health. Available at https://www.rethinkingdrinking.niaaa.nih.gov/Default.aspx.
How Much is Too Much?
The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans provide the following guide:
- Moderate alcohol consumption
- Women: 1 or fewer drinks per day
- Men: 2 or fewer drinks per day
- High-risk drinking
- Women: 4 or more drinks on any day, or 8 or more drinks per week
- Men: 5 or more drinks on any day, or 15 or more drinks per week
- Excessive drinking
- Binge drinking by women: 4 or more drinks within 2 hours
- Binge drinking by men: 5 or more drinks within 2 hours
- Avoid alcohol if you are
- Taking prescription or over-the-counter medicine that should not be taken with alcohol
- Recovering from alcohol dependence
- Unable to control the amount you drink
- Pregnant, considering becoming pregnant, or breastfeeding
- Under 21 years of age
- Drinking or taking caffeine
Source: The US Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Dietary Guidelines 2015-2020. Appendix 9. Alcohol. Available at: https://health.gov/dietaryguidelines/2015/guidelines/appendix-9/ .
- Moderate alcohol consumption
What is a Hangover?
A hangover is the body’s reaction to the toxic effects of and withdrawal from alcohol.
Avoid hangovers—The best way to avoid hangovers is to choose NOT TO drink alcohol. If you choose to drink, reduce hangovers by drinking responsibly.
- Set a limit for yourself and stick to it.
- Stick with one type of alcohol when drinking.
- Eat before, during, and after drinking alcohol.
- Alternate alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic drinks.
- Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration from alcohol.
- Drink no more than 4 times per week.
What is alcohol poisoning?
One of the most concerning risks associated with alcohol use is alcohol poisoning. It is important to watch out for each other and call 9-1-1 when someone shows signs of alcohol poisoning.
Alcohol poisoning is a serious medical emergency requiring immediate medical attention. Alcohol poisoning is caused by:
- Drinking a lot of alcohol in a short period of time
- Sensitivity to alcohol
- Inexperience with alcohol
Use the acronym "STEP-UP" to remember the signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning.
S – Seizure
T – Throwing Up
E – Erratic or slow breathing
P – Pale skin or cold and Clammy
U – Unconsciousness, semi-consciousness, disoriented
P – Pinch the skin with no response.
If you notice even just 1 of these signs, take action:
- Call 9-1-1.
- Stay with the person until help arrives.
- If the person is lying down, roll them to their side, to prevent them from choking if they vomit.
- Monitor their breathing - keep count of the number of breaths per minute.
- Stay with the person until help arrives.
- Answer questions truthfully to help medical personnel to treat the person correctly.
Most importantly -- don't hesitate to call 9-1-1 to get medical help.
ASU has put into place a Good Samaritan Protocol, to further advance our Community of Care. Under the Good Samaritan protocol, students and/or organizations that seek assistance for themselves or others should do so without fear of university disciplinary action. Both students under and above the legal drinking age are expected to contact ASU Community Assistants, ASU Police, or seek medical attention by calling 9-1-1 when assistance is needed for an intoxicated/impaired student.
You may not know the full story. It could be more serious than you think.
The person could be reacting to:
- Mixing alcohol with other drugs
- Being slipped a drug without knowing it
- Taking too much of a prescription medicine or illegal substance
- Being dehydrated or seriously ill
- Drinking too much alcohol for their system to handle
Take action quickly. Someone's life is in your hands and you may have just seconds to act.
Your best decision is to take action to save a life. You won't regret that decision.
Learn more by taking:
AlcoholEdu – Designed to assist students to think critically about choices related to alcohol use and understand the risks associated with underage and high-risk drinking.
STEP UP ASU! – Designed to introduce students to the bystander phenomenon and empower them to step up and do something to help a fellow member of the ASU community when they observe a problem.
How much is too much?
The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans provide the following guide for alcohol use:
Women |
Men |
High-risk |
4+ per day or 8+ per week |
5+ per day or 15+ per week |
Binge |
4+ within 2 hours |
5+ within 2 hours |
Heavy |
8+ per week |
15+ per week |
Based on the chart above, should alcohol consumption be a concern? Take either of the assessments listed below to help you determine how alcohol could affect your well-being.
Alcohol E-Checkup to Go – is a self-guided brief assessment tool that takes about 10-15 minutes to complete and can assist you to examine and re-think your alcohol use.
ScreenU Alcohol - A confidential and anonymous screening tool designed to help students understand immediate and long-term risk of alcohol.
CAGE self-test - Assessment to determines if drinking is problematic. Answer the following questions according to your feelings or behavior throughout your life.
- Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking? Yes or No
- Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking? Yes or No
- Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking? Yes or No
- Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover? Yes or No
If you answered “Yes” to two or more of these questions, you are at risk of problem drinking or alcoholism.
If you answered “Yes” to one or fewer of these questions, you are at low risk of problem drinking.
Source: Counseling Center Research Staff. (2013, November). Welcome to the CAGE Questionnaire, A Screening Test for Alcohol Dependence. In Counseling Resource. Retrieved September 26, 2014, from http://counsellingresource.com/lib/quizzes/drug-testing/alcohol-cage/
The following may indicate problem alcohol or drug use:
- Drinking to get drunk
- Violent behaviors
- Missing class/not studying
- Avoiding or switching friends
- Blackouts
- Beginning to use additional drugs
- Family history of alcohol or other drug use
- Changes in personality
What should you do?
Find the help and support meets your needs.
ASU Counseling Services provides help and support for students who would like to examine and reduce their alcohol use.
As a friend, be aware of behaviors and express concerns without making judgmental comments.
- Be aware of the following behaviors:
- Drinking to get drunk
- Violent behaviors
- Missing class/not studying
- Avoiding or switching friends
- Blackouts
- Beginning to use additional drugs (i.e. nicotine, marijuana)
- Family history of alcohol or other drug use
- Changes in personality
If your friend's behavior is concerning you, remember to express concern in a non-judgmental, empathetic manner. Encourage them to complete Alcohol E-Checkup to Go –. This self-guided brief assessment takes about 10-15 minutes to complete and can assist your friend to evaluate and re-think their alcohol use.
ASU Counseling Services provides help and support for students who would like to examine and reduce their alcohol use.
For more information on how to help a family member or friend visit: NCADD.org
Socializing On and Off Campus
All guests and hosts are accountable for following ASU alcohol policies, State of Arizona laws (title 4 – alcoholic beverages), city ordinances (Tempe, AZ – Social Host Ordinance), and may experience costly and challenging consequences for not adhering to social responsibilities and regulations.
Policies and Procedures:
Arizona State University strives to a create safe and healthy learning and living environments in which underage drinking, high risk alcohol use and illegal drugs do not interfere with student’s academic and personal success. All members of the ASU student community should become familiar with policies and expectations about substance abuse to guide their decisions.
- Alcohol and Other Drugs on Campus – Student Services Policy Manual
- ABOR Student Code of Conduct – University expectations and policies for students
- University Housing Policies – University Housing Student Handbook
- Sales and Service of Alcoholic Beverages –ASU Police Department Policy Manual
- Drug-Free Campus Environment – Academic Affairs Policy Manual
- Student Disciplinary Procedures
Arizona Laws:
Arizona has many regulations regarding alcohol use and sales. The following websites can assist you in becoming familiar with these laws. Note that this is not a comprehensive list, and is meant to guide you in finding laws that are relevant to this area.
- Arizona Department of Liquor – Arizona Liquor Laws
- Arizona Department of Liquor – Frequently Asked Questions
- Arizona Drunk Driving Fines & Penalties
- Arizona Minor in Possession of Alcohol – Charges and Penalties
- Underage Drinking Laws in Arizona – Alcohol Policy Information System
To learn more about alcohol:
National Institutes on Alcohol and Alcoholism – A division of the National Institutes of Health. The NIAAA website provides extensive information on alcohol abuse and alcoholism, as well as related research and prevention efforts.
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence – Believes all people suffering from alcoholism and addiction deserve the chance to be helped for a healthier and more productive life.
To find help and support:
ASU Counseling Services (eoss.asu.edu/counseling) offers confidential time-limited professional counseling and crisis services for students. For after hours or weekends EMPACT’s 24 hour ASU-dedicated crisis hotline can be reached at 480-921-1006
ASU Recovery Rising, Collegiate Recovery Program (RecoveryRising@asu.edu) aims to connect students in recovery, interested in recovery, and those who want to support someone in recovery through events, open round table discussions, and campus recovery meetings.
Alcoholics Anonymous – Meet with a group of individuals who share their experiences, strength, and hope to solve their common problems and help each other recover from alcoholism and alcohol abuse. Website allows searches for meetings by day, city, or young people (YP) meeting times and other criteria.
Al-Anon – meet with a group of individuals whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking or drug use. Learn together to cope and face the challenges that this experience has brought into their lives through sharing and support.
Step Up! - Enhance your understanding of and commitment to use effective methods to intervene to help someone who is in harm’s way.