
Wellness Assessments

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At ASU we know that a healthy lifestyle is a way to support academic and personal well-being and success. How do you make that next step toward wellness? A good place to start is by assessing your current needs.

Sexual Health Assessment

The sexual health assessment is a useful tool to assist you in determining how you can stay safe in your intimate relationships. The questionnaire takes less than 3 minutes to complete and provides you with a score that determines your risk of sexually transmitted infection (STIs). 

Participation in this survey is completely anonymous.

Use the Sexual Assessment Tool

Relationship Assessments

Wellness at ASU is committed to providing you with assessment tools that will facilitate your growth at ASU. Self-discovery is a way to learn how to implement wellness behaviors into your daily life. Take the Relationship Surveys below to learn more about relationship satisfaction and healthy relationships.

Relationship Trust Scale

Relationship Assessment Scale

Hookup Motives Questionnaire

Couples Satisfaction Index

Multidimensional Jealousy Scale

Partner Cyber Abuse Questionnaire

Student Instructor-Relationship Scale

McGill Friendship Questionnaire - Friend’s Functions

McGill Friendship Questionnaire - Respondent’s Affections