After a busy first half of the semester, it may be tempting to spend your Spring Break on the couch (and that’s OK!). But if you’re in town for break and looking for ways to stay active, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite Arizona spring break destinations AND the outdoor activities that come with, all just a short road trip away.

  1. Lake Havasu

It’s National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, and it’s important to be in the know about the struggles that you or the people in your life might be facing so that you can build your best you and help others to grow into their best selves. 

Did you know that there are more than ten different types of eating disorders? And that they affect more than 30 million Americans of all genders in their lives, regardless of age, race, religion, sexual orientation, or body weight? Unsurprisingly, the media’s portrayal of eating disorders does not tell the whole story. 

Do you find yourself wasting money for the sake of love?  You could opt to skip Valentine’s Day to pay for next semester’s tuition. However, you can still celebrate your love without breaking the bank. Saving money on Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean you’re frugal, it means you’re resourceful and responsible.  By following these tips, you and your partner can have a great time without forcing you to live on Ramen for the rest of the semester.


The holiday season is here, and that means the hot chocolate will be flowing and the desserts will be plentiful. You shouldn’t deprive yourself of your favorite treats, but it’s important to remember that holiday goodies shouldn’t take over your normal diet. Here are a few tips to help you out!

1. Don’t go grocery shopping or to the party on an empty stomach


Nachos don’t always sound like the healthiest option, but if done correctly, they can be nutritious and easy to make! This microwave nacho recipe can be prepared in a dorm room and will be ready to enjoy in as little as five minutes!


Vinyasa is a popular style of yoga that focuses on dynamic, flowing sequences of poses. This Vinyasa class, taught by Hannah Rose, is great for beginners and experienced yogis, as you can tailor the moves to your preferred level of difficulty. 

The workshop has a heavy emphasis on balancing poses, core strengthening, and inversions. Mindfulness is also explored during the session, and you get the chance to be meditative as you execute your poses.

Frank (Finance)

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Trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but you just can’t stop eating Taco Bell? Well, here’s a vegetarian friendly taco recipe that will keep you full and satisfied, maybe even send you into a food-coma. This recipe makes two tacos, but they’re definitely thick, so you can alter the measurements to your liking!


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