Most of the classes at ASU this fall are on Zoom.  Many students are new to learning via Zoom, while others might want to improve their remote learning experience.  Here is a list of suggestions that will allow you and your peers to get more out of learning on this platform.  Following these tips will make remote learning feel more natural. 


Up to sixty percent of college students suffer from poor sleep quality. However, this problem has an easy fix! All you need to do is improve your sleep hygiene, which means cultivating better habits in order to get a healthy amount of sleep. One of the worst habits that virtually all college students are guilty of is spending time staring at their cell phones before bed. It may not seem like a big deal, but this habit is actually detrimental to your health and is standing between you and a solid eight hours of sleep.

In our last installment, we walked you through some classic (and neo-classic) pieces of cinema available on Netflix. This time, we’ll dive into some movies you might have passed over, and we hope you’ll forgive us for the sheer amount of A24.


1. Good Time (2017)

In order to be well, you’ve got to make some time to take care of you. What better way to unwind than to get lost in a movie for a couple of hours? We know browsing through Netflix can be more stressful than it is relaxing, which is why we are providing our comprehensive list of recommended films for you to enjoy. This week’s category is made up of films that we recommend for aspiring film buffs—and even if you’ve seen these, aren’t you about due for a rewatch?




1. Taxi Driver (1976)

Looking to hone your comedy skills? With this next lineup, you’ll be able to experience some hilarious TV & film performances and maybe pick up a few jokes for yourself.


1. Middleditch & Schwartz (2020)

Middleditch Schwartz

Following diet trends has become increasingly popular and accessible in the digital age. Readers can learn all about new ways to become “healthier,” physically and spiritually. One diet that gains popularity by the day is vegetarianism.

The basic understanding of a vegetarian is someone who does not consume meat, poultry or fish. There are also three types of vegetarians — lacto-ovo-vegetarians, lacto-vegetarians, ovo-vegetarians and lacto-ovo-vegetarians.

Thoughts on Mother's Day 2017

These are familiar English phrases about giving, about truth, about sustainability, about trustworthiness, about beauty.  As such, they are also a clue that whether female or not, whether parent or not, whether children or adults, on some level, each of us is experienced as “mother” by someone—and each of us has been a mother to someone whether technically or not.

That is because to be a mother is to be wise and to be emotionally available.

What does that mean?

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