Have you ever wondered how food affects workout performance, or if it’s better to eat before or after a workout to maximize your results? If you’ve had questions like these, you are not alone. The answer might be surprising, but research shows that eating before and after your workout is key to getting the best results possible from your workout routine. Whether you are running, lifting weights, playing a sport, or taking a group fitness class, fueling your body properly gives you an edge on performance and improves the outcome for your body.

Sometimes the idea of lifting weights can be intimidating. The problem only compounds when we hear myths and misconceptions about lifting weights and what it will do to our body. Read on to clear up some of these myths and get your lifting on! 

Myth: Lifting makes women bulky.

There are many myths that surround working out. Some of these misconceptions play into why we don’t move our bodies as much as we could, so read on to bust some common fitness myths! 

Myth: You have to work out in a gym to have a good workout.

We’ve heard it said many times: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. As students, we need the fuel from food to get our brains fired up on all cylinders in the morning so that we are ready for classes. Sometimes the morning can be such a rush that it can be hard to put a breakfast together, especially one that is nutritionally balanced. Lucky for you, we’ve got an overnight oats recipe that makes for a super simple, nourishing, and quick breakfast.

If you’re on the hunt for things to do for Family Weekend (November 5-7), gather your loved ones and head on down to the Sun Devil Stadium for an ASU football game! This year, the game will be on Saturday, November 6th against our rival, the University of Southern California. Looking for other fun activities to do with your family and fellow Sun Devils that Saturday? We’ve got you covered! The SDFC is putting on its annual Gold Rush obstacle course at 8 AM!

Spooky season is upon us, and Halloween is almost here! That means the Halloween Carnival at the SDFC is just around the corner on Friday, October 29th! With this season comes many myths and stories about Halloween, but just how many are actually true? We take a look at the most common misconceptions about Halloween and shed some light on them.

Tainted candy

Have you ever wanted to begin a cardio routine but didn’t know where to start? Or maybe you already have developed a habit, but don’t know if you are getting the most out of it? If you find yourself in this situation, we have some great recommendations to improve your health benefits through this form of exercise. 

According to The Department of Health and Human Services, there are a couple of methods we can use to reap maximum benefits.

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