Now that the weather’s warming up, you may have caught the spring cleaning bug. Even though it can sometimes be a pain, it’s important to clear out the clutter that may have accumulated throughout the year (especially if your biggest activity during quarantine was online shopping!). To end up whistling while you work, check out these tips so that your spring cleaning session is effective and enjoyable!

It’s National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, and it’s important to be in the know about the struggles that you or the people in your life might be facing so that you can build your best you and help others to grow into their best selves. 

Did you know that there are more than ten different types of eating disorders? And that they affect more than 30 million Americans of all genders in their lives, regardless of age, race, religion, sexual orientation, or body weight? Unsurprisingly, the media’s portrayal of eating disorders does not tell the whole story. 

Coffee has become a staple beverage for busy college students, and for many, a shot of espresso is the only thing getting them through the day. But is this a healthy habit?

Well, there’s good news and bad news for coffee lovers. 

Arizona is warm and sunny all year round. However, temperatures can get hot in the summer. The summer heat can be especially difficult for those who didn’t grow up in Arizona. Keep reading to learn five tips on how to survive an Arizona summer.

It’s an exciting time of the year—the semester is just beginning and classes are getting on their way. With so much going on, sometimes it can be overwhelming to keep on top of everything as you learn to manage your new schedule and without the right tools, alleviating the feeling can be difficult. One tried and true method for stress management is meditation. In this meditation spotlight we focus on a simple technique that can be done from anywhere: box breathing, also called four square breathing.

We always hear about the importance of drinking water, especially in the desert. After all, our bodies are about 60% water and it is often recommended that we drink at least 8 cups of water during the day for optimum health. We always hear that keeping hydrated is important, but what are the top reasons to drink plenty of water? Read on to find out what advantages you can get from staying hydrated!

During the school year, many students’ have time dedicated to school, homework, maybe a job on top of household responsibilities. Now that we’re at the start of the new semester, we can take the opportunity to direct our attention to our health and make time to be active. The CDC recommends that we get at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day for optimum health.

Working out is a huge part of having a healthy lifestyle⁠—it strengthens our heart and lungs, builds strong muscles and bones, and keeps our bodies performing at their best. While you undergo strengthening, part of the process can cause you to experience sore muscles and an achy body. This is especially true when starting a new regimen or when we increase the intensity of a workout, since new muscles are being used or we are putting extra strain on them.

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