Spooky season is upon us, and Halloween is almost here! That means the Halloween Carnival at the SDFC is just around the corner on Friday, October 29th! With this season comes many myths and stories about Halloween, but just how many are actually true? We take a look at the most common misconceptions about Halloween and shed some light on them.

Tainted candy

There are many myths that surround working out. Some of these misconceptions play into why we don’t move our bodies as much as we could, so read on to bust some common fitness myths! 

Myth: You have to work out in a gym to have a good workout.

False. You can exercise just about anywhere and still get in a good workout. In your dorm, at the park, and in the pool to name a few—get creative with it! Aim for a mix of aerobic, strength, and flexibility moves to get the most benefits.

HRM stands for heart rate monitor. With so many options for heart rate monitors on the market today, it can be difficult trying to figure out which kind is the best for you. Should you go with a wrist watch monitor or a traditional chest strap monitor? We will give you the pros and cons of both types so that you can make the best choice for your lifestyle.

Wrist Heart Rate Monitor

Meet rising junior Renuka Vemuri, the newly elected president of the Undergraduate Student Government Downtown (USGD) and driven ASU student. As a Medical Studies major (she’s also pursuing a minor in Nutrition & Healthy Living), Renuka is following her dream in pursuing a career in healthcare.

Most of the classes at ASU this fall are on Zoom.  Many students are new to learning via Zoom, while others might want to improve their remote learning experience.  Here is a list of suggestions that will allow you and your peers to get more out of learning on this platform.  Following these tips will make remote learning feel more natural. 


Up to sixty percent of college students suffer from poor sleep quality. However, this problem has an easy fix! All you need to do is improve your sleep hygiene, which means cultivating better habits in order to get a healthy amount of sleep. One of the worst habits that virtually all college students are guilty of is spending time staring at their cell phones before bed. It may not seem like a big deal, but this habit is actually detrimental to your health and is standing between you and a solid eight hours of sleep.

Browse the organic aisle of most grocery stores and you will likely find a shelf of bottled kombucha drinks touting promising claims of nutritional benefits. These colored teas have become synonymous with health and prosperity and are often consumed by college students looking for a cleansing elixir or a healthy boost.

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