The summer months are coming to an end, but the Phoenix heat is here to stay. We know it’s hard to even walk to your car, let alone work out in 104 degree weather, so we’ve come up with this list to help you out! Keep cool and stay active these next few weeks with some fun fitness ideas.


Being in college can be overwhelming. Finding a balance between studying, campus activities and a social life can be hard, but it is the key to achieving success. So, how do you manage your time and how do you maintain the motivation for everything you plan to achieve? Here are a few tips for you.

Set goals and priorities

1. Stay hydrated

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Isabel (Chemical Engineering)

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Summer is fast approaching. Say you want to get lean and get that summer body. Your first instinct is to look to cardio to reach this goal. Running, biking, swimming — anything that will help you sweat out the calories.

But, exactly how much cardio should you do? How much is too much?

While there is no straight-to-the-point answer that fits all body types, athletic abilities or genetics, it is possible to get a rough estimate of what you need. That being said,regular cardio exercise is undisputedly an important part of a productive, effective weight loss routine.

Have you ever gone to the gym and wondered, “What body part am I going to work today?”

Well, you’re definitely not the only one! Getting to the gym is the easy part — but figuring out what to do when you get there can be a lot more complicated. There are several ways you can train your body in the weight room throughout the week, and these are called “splits.”

What’s the best split for you? The two most common types are push, pull, legs (PPL) and upper, lower (UL).

Shaun, Data Analytics

I’ll be working over break at Target, and that’s about it. I love working there because it’s family-oriented and everybody knows each other. We’re all super-connected, and I just really like my coworkers! I’m a team captain of our e-commerce fulfilment team. It’s not the worst way to spend break!


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“Devils in Depth” is a project that gets down to earth and captures the diversity of Arizona State’s student population. We engage in conversations with students in an effort to learn more about their passions and get a feel for who they really are. Then, we ask them for their thoughts on a central theme.

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Ready to take on a new challenge for leg day? We have created a killer leg workout that can be completed in under 20 minutes. You can do it at home or here at the SDFC!

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