Have you ever wondered how food affects workout performance, or if it’s better to eat before or after a workout to maximize your results? If you’ve had questions like these, you are not alone. The answer might be surprising, but research shows that eating before and after your workout is key to getting the best results possible from your workout routine. Whether you are running, lifting weights, playing a sport, or taking a group fitness class, fueling your body properly gives you an edge on performance and improves the outcome for your body.

Have you ever gone to the gym and wondered, “What body part am I going to work today?”

Well, you’re definitely not the only one! Getting to the gym is the easy part — but figuring out what to do when you get there can be a lot more complicated. There are several ways you can train your body in the weight room throughout the week, and these are called “splits.”

What’s the best split for you? The two most common types are push, pull, legs (PPL) and upper, lower (UL).

There are several different methods that trainers and weight lifters alike turn to for maximum strength and muscle gain. One of these methods is called the mind-muscle connection: a way in which the athlete consciously and deliberately creates a muscle contraction. Basically, we have to actively think about using the muscle we are working which seems like common sense, right?

The stay-at-home orders have made staying well a new challenge for most. Between the tempting loaves of sourdough bread you might have been baking and the rising temperature spoiling your afternoon run around the block, you may feel it’s impossible to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Fortunately, you have access to strategies to help you adapt to this current state of living!


Hello everyone! Your boy is back with some bangers that you can add to your playlists. Just a little post for you guys to get to know me a little better rather than just the content we have been producing.


What’s going on, Sun Devils? Your boy Julio is back with some more Gym Bangers. Lately I’ve been going out for runs, and I wanted to share some songs I’ve been bumping. Check out these hot tracks, and if you like them maybe you can add them to your own playlist. Enjoy!


Have you always wanted to be on The Amazing Race?  Now is your opportunity!  Grab your besties and head on over to the Tempe campus!  In a group of 2-4, you and your friends will solve puzzles as you race across campus. See if you have what it takes to win The Amazing Race!  

The event runs Friday, April 2nd, with multiple start times throughout the day. The first start time is at noon, and the last one is at four, so there’s no excuse. Tempe campus is waiting…GO!

The Sun devil Fitness Complex is full of talented student workers and I had the pleasure of conducting an interview with one of them. Jack Hiemenz is a senior going into his final semester. He works as a facilities manager at the SDFC and has a passion for golf and hockey. The golf club he is a part of just won a national tournament in Las Vegas. Like a lot of students at ASU, Jack left for his home state for the break and he was nice enough to give me some time of his day for a phone call. Here is what he had to say. 


Do you find yourself wasting money for the sake of love?  You could opt to skip Valentine’s Day to pay for next semester’s tuition. However, you can still celebrate your love without breaking the bank. Saving money on Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean you’re frugal, it means you’re resourceful and responsible.  By following these tips, you and your partner can have a great time without forcing you to live on Ramen for the rest of the semester.


The summer months are coming to an end, but the Phoenix heat is here to stay. We know it’s hard to even walk to your car, let alone work out in 104 degree weather, so we’ve come up with this list to help you out! Keep cool and stay active these next few weeks with some fun fitness ideas.


SDFC pool

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