Looking to hone your comedy skills? With this next lineup, you’ll be able to experience some hilarious TV & film performances and maybe pick up a few jokes for yourself.





1. Middleditch & Schwartz (2020)

What does healthy communication look like? It’s not always easy to tell, and it can be even harder to keep up healthy communication with everyone in your life all of the time — especially in the midst of a global pandemic that has turned our communication styles upside down. What we do know is that healthy communication is the key to healthy relationships. 

The Basics

Life is stressful—especially during a pandemic. It’s important to keep in mind that you are not alone. Following these tips will help you lower your stress level so that you can live well!

Exercise More

From relocating states at the onset of a global pandemic to dedicating months of work to physical growth, ASU student Adam Schoenfeld has persevered through many challenges this year. Adam’s latest feat was the 75-Day Hard Challenge, which consisted of two 45-minute workouts a day, one during the day and one at night. He was also required to drink a gallon of water a day and abstain from drinking alcohol for the entire duration of the challenge.

Coffee has become a staple beverage for busy college students, and for many, an extra shot of espresso is the only thing getting them through the day. But is this a healthy habit?

Well, there’s good news and bad news for coffee lovers. 

In our last installment, we walked you through some classic (and neo-classic) pieces of cinema available on Netflix. This time, we’ll dive into some movies you might have passed over, and we hope you’ll forgive us for the sheer amount of A24.





1. Good Time (2017)

In order to be well, you’ve got to make some time to take care of you. What better way to unwind than to get lost in a movie for a couple of hours? We know browsing through Netflix can be more stressful than it is relaxing, which is why we are providing our comprehensive list of recommended films for you to enjoy.

Most of the classes at ASU this fall are on Zoom.  Many students are new to learning via Zoom, while others might want to improve their remote learning experience.  Here is a list of suggestions that will allow you and your peers to get more out of learning on this platform.  Following these tips will make remote learning feel more natural. 


The stay-at-home orders have made staying well a new challenge for most. Between the tempting loaves of sourdough bread you might have been baking and the rising temperature spoiling your afternoon run around the block, you may feel it’s impossible to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Fortunately, you have access to strategies to help you adapt to this current state of living!

After a busy first half of the semester, it may be tempting to spend your Spring Break on the couch (and that’s OK!). But if you’re in town for break and looking for ways to stay active, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite Arizona spring break destinations AND the outdoor activities that come with, all just a short road trip away.

  1. Lake Havasu

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