In order to be well, you’ve got to make some time to take care of you. What better way to unwind than to get lost in a movie for a couple of hours? We know browsing through Netflix can be more stressful than it is relaxing, which is why we are providing our comprehensive list of recommended films for you to enjoy. This week’s category is made up of films that we recommend for aspiring film buffs—and even if you’ve seen these, aren’t you about due for a rewatch?




1. Taxi Driver (1976)

Looking to hone your comedy skills? With this next lineup, you’ll be able to experience some hilarious TV & film performances and maybe pick up a few jokes for yourself.


1. Middleditch & Schwartz (2020)

Middleditch Schwartz

Following diet trends has become increasingly popular and accessible in the digital age. Readers can learn all about new ways to become “healthier,” physically and spiritually. One diet that gains popularity by the day is vegetarianism.

The basic understanding of a vegetarian is someone who does not consume meat, poultry or fish. There are also three types of vegetarians — lacto-ovo-vegetarians, lacto-vegetarians, ovo-vegetarians and lacto-ovo-vegetarians.

This Valentine’s Day, it’s the perfect time for you and your significant other to get in some alone time together. Since we are still practicing social distancing, here are some great date ideas to put together at home!

Summer is fast approaching. Say you want to get lean and get that summer body. Your first instinct is to look to cardio to reach this goal. Running, biking, swimming — anything that will help you sweat out the calories.

But, exactly how much cardio should you do? How much is too much?

While there is no straight-to-the-point answer that fits all body types, athletic abilities or genetics, it is possible to get a rough estimate of what you need. That being said,regular cardio exercise is undisputedly an important part of a productive, effective weight loss routine.

We love shipping television couples together.  Often, these couples have genuine, loving relationships so strong that we can’t help but ship them together.  However, other times we become invested in toxic relationships.  In honor of Valentine’s Day, let’s look at some popular television pairings on both ends of the spectrum.

Healthy Relationships

T.K. Strand/Carlos Reyes—9-1-1: Lone Star

What does healthy communication look like? It’s not always easy to tell, and it can be even harder to keep up healthy communication with everyone in your life all of the time — especially in the midst of a global pandemic that has turned our communication styles upside down. What we do know is that healthy communication is the key to healthy relationships. 

The Basics

The Amazing Race event brought a turnout of over 100 students racing across campus for a shot at victory! Participants started at the Sun Devil Fitness Complex then sprinted to various locations on campus where they solved puzzles, played games, and worked hard to make it back to the starting point to claim a prize.

It’s a Sunday night, and you’re getting ready to rest up for Monday. But as soon as you close your eyes, you remember! Your Session A course has approximately one million things due by midnight, and you haven’t even started the reading.

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