Active Commuting: Biking to Campus

- People who commute by bicycle are the happiest commuters.
- On peak days, there are more than 13,500 bicycles on campus in Tempe.
- Wearing a helmet reduces your chances of serious injury. Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute
- ASU has earned the Bicycle Friendly University Award from the League of American Bicyclists. ASU Tempe received the Gold Award. ASU Downtown and Polytechnic received the Bronze Award. ASU News, Oct. 22, 2014.
Commuting by Bicycle provides many benefits. You can:
- Park your bike close to class.
- Get an aerobic workout while commuting.
- Save money on car payments, gas, insurance and repairs.
- Forego purchasing a parking pass.
- Reduce stress.
- Be happier while commuting.
Tips for Commuting by Bicycle
Gather Your Gear
- Get a bicycle, helmet, high quality U-lock, lights and reusable water bottle.
- Wear sunscreen and bring a cell phone and ID.
Protect Your Bicycle
- Register your bicycle at bike.asu.edu.
- Learn how to securely lock your bicycle.
Learn the Rules of the Road
- Take Traffic Skills 101, a bicycle education class.
Plan Your Routine
- What will you wear?
- Will you bring a change of clothes?
- How will you carry the things you need?
- Where will you park your bicycle?
- Will you need a shower, locker or place to change?
- Practice your route on the weekend.
Get Started!
Bicycle Safety Tips
Plan your route
- Choose a route that is safe and comfortable for you to cycle on. It could be a road or trail.
Bicycle on the road
- If you don’t feel safe cycling on a particular road, choose a parallel route that you do feel safe on, or walk your bicycle on the sidewalk.
Be visible at night, dusk and in the rain
- Have a front white light, rear red light, bicycle reflectors and wear light colored/reflective clothing.
Follow all traffic signs, lights and laws
- Come to a complete stop at stop signs.
- Walk your bicycle through crosswalks and on sidewalks.
Be aware of what is going on around you
- Never wear ear buds/head phones, text or use a cell phone while cycling.
Turn responsibly
- Look over your shoulder.
- Signal with your arm.
- Go when safe.
Be courteous
- Pass on the left, give plenty of space and an audible signal.
- Yield to pedestrians.
- Bicycle slowly on the campus mall.
Wear a helmet, sunglasses and sunscreen
Lock your bicycle well
- Register your bicycle at bike.asu.edu.
- Use a high quality U-lock.
- Use ASU’s Free Bicycle Valet parking.
- Use ASU’s Free Card-Access Bicycle Parking.
Use the ASU Bike Co-Ops at any Sun Devil Fitness for
- Free flat repairs
- Free tune-ups
- Free rental bikes for weekly or semester checkout (Polytechnic)
- Free instruction and tutorials on performing your own basic bike maintenance
- Car racks and night riding lights for daily checkout (Polytechnic)
- Skateboard adjustments, repairs, bearing lube
- Bicycling Information and Registration at ASU
- The League of American Bicyclists .
- The League of American Bicyclists LCI Seminar Schedule.
- ASU Bike Co-Ops provide assistance with bike and skateboard maintenance and equipment.